How Missing Teeth Can Impact Your Health

Posted on: 1 February 2023

Even if you have only one missing tooth, it can negatively impact both your oral health and your overall general health. There are a number of various treatment options dentists can recommend so that you do not develop complications from missing teeth. One of the most effective treatment options for missing teeth is dental implants. Here are some ways dental implants can prevent complications from developing as a result of missing teeth.
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Rehabilitating Your Dental Arch

Posted on: 27 December 2022

Unfortunately, there are many individuals that will suffer significant problems with their dental arch. For these people, a full-arch rehabilitation may be necessary to help them restore the appearance and functionality of their mouths. A Full-Arch Rehabilitation Can Involve Replacing Many Teeth A key thing to appreciate about the arch rehabilitation process is that it will likely involve replacing numerous teeth. During this process, a patient's compromised teeth will be extracted so that prosthetics can be placed in the mouth.
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Consequences Of Losing Your Teeth And Why You Need Dental Implants

Posted on: 22 November 2022

Losing a tooth as a child is normal and often celebrated as a sign of growth. However, losing teeth as an adult can be stressful and has serious consequences. Most adults experience tooth loss due to gum diseases, tooth decay, or trauma. Once you experience tooth loss, you should visit your dentist for a dental implant installation. Otherwise, the dental gaps in your mouth could cause serious issues, such as bone loss and infections.
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6 Ways To Care For Your Dental Implants

Posted on: 10 October 2022

Dental implants last a lifetime if you take care of them. The same is true for natural teeth. In fact, caring for dental implants is similar to caring for natural teeth. However, there are some important differences between dental implants and natural teeth. To ensure the longevity of your dental implants, use the following dental tips when caring for your dental implants. 1. Use a non-abrasive toothpaste Abrasive toothpastes are designed to remove stains from teeth.
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